Report Advertising Fraud
Zarkan is a seller-based platform. Sellers who upload art to our website market their shirt designs on social media. Unfortunately, not everyone values integrity. Sellers sometimes run ads on social media or through email campaigns featuring photoshopped images of celebrities wearing the shirt they're trying to market. Zarkan does not condone this practice.
As it stands, we have more than 1000 seller accounts. Because of this high number, it is not possible to monitor the content of each advertisement placed by a seller. Therefore, we often rely on members of the public to report suspicious activity and help provide the information we need to investigate these types of advertising fraud. Our legal team appreciates your assistance in locating these kinds of infractions so we can warn the seller against such behavior. Repeated infractions are not tolerated.
To report advertising fraud, please use the form below.
Please include any other useful information (short links in the advertisement, seller ID#, name of the page running ads, etc.)
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